This week...

At St. Margaret's, Wolston ...

At St. Peter's, Church Lawford ...


St Margaret's, Wolston

Our church at St Margaret's is a warm and friendly community of people of all ages. You are very welcome to join us at any of our services.

You can also watch services that have been filmed recently on our YouTube channel by clicking on the image below.

YouTube screenshot

If you prefer, you can listen to some older readings and talks or sermons from previous weeks.

You can read the update sheet or a previous update sheet.

There is also a diary for prayer and information for this month.

Christianity Explored logoDo you ever ask “Who is Jesus and why does he matter?”.

Why not come to a “Christianity Explored” course and find out! More...

We continue to provide spiritual support to the people in the villages of Wolston, Brandon and Bretford (St. Margaret's) and Church Lawford and Kings Newnham (St. Peter's). If you need any support, please contact the church office and someone will be able to help you.

If you are on Facebook logo Facebook you can follow St Margarets Wolston. You can see events that are planned and what we've been up to recently. 

The other church in our Benefice is St Peter’s at Church Lawford. It is a warm and welcoming church with regular services and community events.

St Peter's, Church Lawford

Would you like prayer?

Would you like prayer for yourself or for someone else? For anything big or small. Text or call 07415954894 and a small team will pray for you, in confidence.

Serving the community

view of village green

Church members, like so many in the community, are helping those around them. 

We are happy to support people who are vulnerable or lonely or need to hear a friendly voice over the phone, and we have a Pastoral care group who co-ordinate this.

For Wolston, Brandon and Bretford please contact the Church Office   07422715360 and tell them you would like someone from the team to contact you. 


St. Margaret's is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk. Please read our safeguarding page if you want further information about safeguarding, including how to contact our parish safeguarding officer. 

Privacy notice.